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The Issues

District 1

A strong voice on the Allegheny County Council is essential for ensuring that the unique needs, concerns, and priorities of our District 1 suburban communities are adequately represented.


Our area contributes significantly to the Allegheny County’s economy through office parks, retail centers, and residential tax base. As a member of County Council, Kathleen will make sure tax dollars are used responsibly to improve the lives of everyone in Allegheny County. 


There are different challenges and opportunities in suburban communities compared to Downtown and rural areas. Kathleen will make certain that Council decisions reflect the diversity of experiences and needs in District 1.

Aging Population​


  • Our aging population requires more senior-specific services close to home.

    • Kathleen will work with the County Aging Division and Health Department to expand senior centers, subsidize in-home care programs, and improve transportation options for elderly residents.


Infrastructure and Transportation​


  • Public transit gaps leave our suburban residents dependent on personal vehicles.

    • Kathleen will advocate for expanded public transit routes and create transit hubs to connect suburban areas additional hubs outside Downtown.

  • Unsafe roadways and pedestrian paths

    • From Route 65 to University Boulevard, too many of our roadways lack proper lighting, sidewalks, and safe crossings. I will advocate for infrastructure improvements that reduce traffic accidents, improve pedestrian safety, and make our communities more walkable.

Property Taxes​


  • High property taxes strain homeowners and prevent first-time home ownership.

    • We will devote the time, energy and resources needed to ensure District 1 residents get what they're paying for. Relying on data-driven analysis of the needs of our community, Kathleen will extend efficient, effective services are accessible to the edges of Allegheny County.

    • We must push our state legislature to pass equitable state funding for schools and essential services to reduce the tax burden on individual homeowners and give all our kids a great education.

    • Work with the PA Legislature to create a uniform reassessment formula to stop unpredictable and unfair changes.

Jobs and the Economy

  • Our suburban area struggles to attract businesses and create local jobs.

    • Kathleen plans to offer tax incentives for small businesses and developers to invest in District 1, and foster entrepreneurship through collaborative relationships with our Higher Ed and Chamber of Commerce resources.

  • Limited public transportation, traffic, and parking expense makes many city jobs inaccessible to suburban residents.

    • We must immprove transit connectivity to employment hubs and support carpool and shuttle programs.


Zoning and Land Use


  • Overdevelopment strains infrastructure and reduces green space.

    • Implement smart growth policies to balance development with environmental preservation.

  • Landslides and stormwater management issues persist.

    • We will continue to support the upgrade stormwater systems and enforce stricter environmental impact assessments and mitigation measures for new developments.


Public Safety


  • Our public safety infrastructure is strained.​

    • Kathleen will prioritize  funding for Allegheny County Emergency Services (ACES) and Police and Fire Academies—ensuring they have the resources and training necessary to respond quickly and effectively. Kathleen will also advocate for and facilitate regional collaboration between municipalities to improve emergency response times.

    • Kathleen supports expanded crisis intervention programs, county-funded diversion programs, and co-responder models where mental health professionals assist law enforcement in de-escalation efforts.


Transparency and Ethics


  • Under-resourced Allegheny County Ethics Commission (ACE)

    • Kathleen prioritizes ethics reform. She will give the commission the resources to properly investigate complaints and audit county campaign finance filings, contracts awarded, and appointments to board seats.

    • We must define and broaden ACE to impose real consequences for violations.

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